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Essay by Cynthia Reeves
Published by CYNTHIA-REEVES, 2018

25 pages + cover; includes artist statement.

“Willard Boepple is an unabashed modernist — an innovator who works within a well-defined sculptural tradition made new through his passion and his wonderful sense of surprise. Boepple’s sculptures make manifest the latent friction and release in their geometries, creating a changing symphony of negative spaces as one surveys his sculptures from different perspectives. He emphasizes economy and restraint in the judicious placement of each linear element: these works are both concise and quite light, creating beautiful dance-like structures of complexity and ease.”



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by cr-admin


Published by Lionel Smit Studio, 2016

138 pages, hardcover with slipcase, includes artist statement and interview with Lionel Smit.

“When I moved from Pretoria to Cape Town (2008), I started painting the Cape Coloured and Malay women. Right away, their mixed heritage became a point of intrigue to me. It’s a culture so unique to Cape Town, but also has a universal quality. The idea behind the paintings is loosely based around that dual identity, which I’ve interpreted as fragmented and broken up.”

Please contact the gallery for more information.

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by cr-admin


Essay by Robert C. Morgan
Published by CYNTHIA-REEVES, 2014

36 pages + cover; includes artist statement.

Shen’s blurred, misty effects are deeply poetic in their intent; His brushwork, leaving traces of color on carefully prepared canvases, communicates a love of subtle reasoning that seduces his audience into a contemplative reverie, the abstractions serving as a kind of matrix enabling the extended study of the effect of Shen’s hand on the surface of his paintings. The work may seem neat at first, but the artist endeavors to create an atmosphere that stands up to the recent history of painting and is seen as a way of communicating fundamental values about art.”

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by cr-admin


Essay by Stephen Traux
Published by CYNTHIA-REEVES, 2015

16 pages + cover.

“Like a traditional landscape painter, she works with beauty, the natural world,
and one way of imaging the pastoral. The satellite images become a framework
for an abstract language in her paintings and prints. Aerial views of farmland
become non-repeating abstract pattern. Physical maps of mountainous terrain
become calligraphic lines on an open field. The images trace social, cultural, and
geographic boundaries. From these breakages, she traces her lines.”

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by cr-admin


Essay by Jonathan Goodman
Published by CYNTHIA-REEVES, 2008

30 pages + cover; includes artist statement.

“Of course, it is the interior world that Feng constantly refers to. In his grasp, art is filled with presence and enlivened by gesture. The drips and spills that animate his art belong to a convention, but it is a legacy that Feng has internalized for the sake of an emotive sign, given over entirely to his practiced hand.”

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