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Sarah Amos Press


August 31, 2015

I felt that there was no going backwards but only leaps and bounds in a forward direction.

…“Anything seemed possible to me in the early years when living in New York; it was viable to have a career as an artist who worked on paper. I was determined to make a go of it and not come home without some small success in hand, only problem was I never came home so strong was the pull of future personal career potential that I thought Australia could not offer me.” Sarah has now been based in the US for 24 years but admits that she is homesick for Australia. Each year she spends several months back in Melbourne, and shows her work locally every two years…

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Sarah Amos Studio View
by Amze Emmons, June 25, 2014

 I like to teach printmaking as it can re-invigorate your own commitment to your craft…

…I have wanted a space like this for a very long time. When you make large scale work you really lust after a complimentary space so you can see the work from a decent distance and that allows you to move unhindered. This space has affected the way I see my work and how I interact with it…

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Field Notes, Above and Below
Melbourne, Australia, August, 2013

…I was very eager to immerse my self and my pen into this rare snapshot of geology and archeology…

My work is evocative of the Australian landscape especially the palette that is typically desert, arid and sun burnt in color. This strikes some people as odd as I live in the greenest State in the United States. However when I think of the surroundings that best support and feed my work it is in the open vistas and colors of the Australian bush that truly excite. My interests are still immersed in the natural and scientific worlds and this recent expedition to Lake Mungo falls right into my wheel house ,bringing both ancient cultures and geological oddities to me for further scrutiny and visual dissection…

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Artists Under 5K
July – September, 2013

“Highly crafted works are part of a move away from conceptual and ripdly produce art. They explore ideas and push away at the boundaries within printmaking.”

Her images draw on a vernacular of the Australian landscape. At the same time they are spatial and abstracted, drawing together geometric shapes and patterns that have depth and transparency; organic, sensual forms are juxtaposed with grids and lines….

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