Home ExhibitionsDavid Burdeny Exhib Liminal Burdeny and Küttinger

Liminal Burdeny and Küttinger

by cr-admin


David Burdeny & Georg Küttinger

June 2 – July 21, 2018
The Barn at 28 Main Street, Walpole, NH

CYNTHIA-REEVES presents a two-person photography show entitled Liminal featuring the work of German photographer Georg Küttinger and Vancouver-based artist David Burdeny.  Both have gone to remote parts of the world to document interstitial visual moments:  seashore to land, waterfall to pool, roadbed to mountainside, harbor waters to cityscape. In each there is a sense of time suspended, awaiting a luff of wind to riffle the water’s still surface, the thunderous cascades of water tumbling into the river below.

Press Release (pdf), Exhibition Catalog (pdf)